Sautéed Brussels Sprouts and Asparagus with dōTERRA Lemon Oil

Sautéed Brussels Sprouts and Asparagus with dōTERRA Lemon Oil

Servings: 10 Prep Time: 10 min Cook Time: 30 min Difficulty: Easy


1 bundle asparagus

12 ounces Brussels sprouts

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Seasoned salt

2–3 drops Lemon essential oil

3–4 cups water

– See more here 


  1. Bring water to boil.
  2. Halve Brussels sprouts and add to water. Boil for 4–5 minutes.
  3. While Brussels sprouts are cooking, heat up skillet.
  4. Drain Brussels sprouts and add extra virgin olive oil to skillet.
  5. Add Brussels sprouts, sprinkle with seasoned salt.
  6. Sauté Brussels sprouts for about 3 minutes, then add Lemon essential oil.
  7. Add asparagus and toss. Cover skillet and let cook, tossing a few times to coat asparagus.
  8. Cook until desired tenderness.

SUBMITTED BY: Heather McGinnis, New Jersey

#withdōTERRALemonOil #SautéedBrusselsSproutsandAsparagus
