Give Thanks

Give Thanks

Here’s a challenge: every morning (for the next 2 months) before your feet hit the floor, say one thing for which you are thankful. I bet we will be changed in that two month period.

An attitude of gratitude does three things:

1. shifts the mindset – negative thoughts no longer rule.

2. creates solutions – by focusing on the positive, space is opened up for answers and blessings.

3. is contagious – a positive, grateful, joyful attitude will spill over and onto those we are around. Awesome!

I am so grateful to work with Dr. Dady & Nancy. Our office is truly a place of health & healing. And, to my massage clients, I say “thank you” for the privilege of working with you on your journey of health.

This Thanksgiving season I wish you and those you love an abundance of peace, joy and gratitude.

Dr. Dady
