Getting a cold or the flu is the worst!! It stops you right in your tracks. Then you usually drag yourself to the doctor, only to wait in a germ infested waiting room and be sneezed on by other contagious patients. You are given a prescription that can have side effects which only add to your symptoms……if that’s possible (i.e. yeast infection, etc.)

Why not try something different? Why not give essential oils a try this time around? What do you have to lose? Oh, maybe just the FLU!! Who wouldn’t want to rid themselves of that and it’s chills, fever, & aches?!
The Flu Bomb Recipe is THE BOMB with no side effects like you can get from prescriptions. It’s super easy and most importantly, effective! You can take it both internally via a vegetable gel capsule that you can purchase at Whole Foods, Life Grocery or Nature’s Corner Market (which are all in Marietta). You can also apply the oils topically by mixing them with some fractionated coconut oil and adding to a roller bottle.
If you are hit with the flu or feel a cold coming on, give the flu bomb recipe a try this time around. You will be so glad you did!